I really thought I paid that ticket

I actually didn't, and I am sorry that y'all got the letter in the mail. I really did think I paid it. I didn't need to hear yet again how irresponsible I am at 27 and how I am never going to have anything. I am going to get better with this whole money thing, and I really don't want anything. I would be happy living paycheck to paycheck in the big city just enjoying life--not worrying about "things." Even though I have lots of meaningless "things," I don't need them. I just want to enjoy life. Poor sucks, but if that is all I am, I am ok with that. I can't be cremated but take all the "things" (money) I save up with me when I am no longer of use here on the planet. I don't mean to be a burden, and I am really trying to better myself--Really.

Sorry mom and dad.