The only reason

I called last night was in hope of finding a friend who could listen and make me feel better. My finger was hurting, and I *thought* (was totally wrong) that you would care. Just the simple fact that you can ignore the call that comes from me over a month after last speaking with me just makes me realize more and more how wrong I was about you.

Didn't get my paper done, but my awesome prof understood. I am not supposed to "type heavily" for 3-4 weeks...don't think that will happen. Though I didn't realize how much I need that finger. Hopefully my bowling team won't be too pissed because I have to learn how to bowl left-handed. :( GRRRRRRR.

I feel like a total crybaby, but my finger seriously hurts. The Vicadin is a hollow victory because it only sort of took the pain away (I was at least able to sleep) and I feel thick and gooey this morning--definitely not all there--fantastic since I have a bi-monthly meeting with my boss today.
