but I am turning into a craigslist addict!!!
I tell myself I am not going to look at the pet listings, but I do.
I mean, I have 4 cats and no money--no room for any more animals...
But yet I look.
And I get so irritated with the postings of the people who "just find" themselves in a situation where they can't have their pet anymore. WTF???
So here is an example:
We are moving out of state and need to find a loving home for our family dog, Chance. He is about 13 years old, is of a pit-mix (I believe hound) breed and has been in our family since a puppy in 1994. He is white/tan in color and about 60 lbs. He is house trained and good with children 8 years old and older. He has been around our toddler and is good but he doesn't realize his size so sometimes he can be clumsy. He has a cyst on his right let that has stayed the same size and has been looked at by a vet, who states it's not life-threatening. Although 13 years old, he is still active and loves to run around the yard and lie in the sun.He does fine indoors during the winter and outside during the summer. He likes to play fetch with tennis balls and loves to be around the family. He has also previously had 3 other medium-large dogs with him and they all got along just fine as he is not aggressive or dominant. Having been in our family for such a long time, it is difficult for us but we can't take him with us.
Please call us at #503-547-9660 if you are interested in a great family dog.
This just makes me sad. How could someone be so willing to give up a "family" dog?!?!?!
I have three cats, the momma, who is 2 years old and is now fixed, her oldest son who is about a year old and also fixed, and her youngest son who is about 4 months old and not yet fixed. All three cats have grown up with my daughter (a 21 month old toddler) and are exceptionally good with her and other children. We are relocating to Oklahoma and can't take our pets with us. I'm looking for good, friendly homes for them, and soon! We leave on the 28th of June. Please email me for more info!
This is SO SAD!!!
Now, on more than one occasion I was BROKE. I would have done anything to make sure my cats were taken care of, even letting them eat rather than me. I moved 26 hours away from home, and my family came with me. I know it may be hard for some of these people, and yeah it is good that they are looking for homes rather than sending their animals straight to the shelter, but to give up a family member--one who has been part of a family's life for 13 years? I don't understand!!! :(
That's a Wrap
3 years ago
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