
I am.

Even though this year is going to be rough, I have this sneaky feeling inside, this little voice speaking to me, and innately I know that I will be an exceptional teacher.

I don't want to jinx things or myself, but I really love this school. I really hope that I am asked back next year, and that I can have a long career here. I really enjoy the student body and my colleagues. I think once I figure out my path, I can only improve on my teaching and better things for my students.

Louie is wonderful, and much of the time I want to pinch myself to validate that this is my life, and this is real. The contentedness that can exist in a healthy relationship is really a new and wonderful experience. No voice in my gut telling me that I am making a mistake, not second-guessing, no leery feeling about our future paths and if they meld or collide. It is exactly what I thought was out there for me, but never really believed existed so I settled, and then, luckily, I found out I was right.


Now, I just need some friends.

I miss my WI peeps a giant amount.