


Fight. Get a POI (plan of improvement) guaranteed that if I do x, y, and, z I will not lose my job.
Do it. Keep job until budget cuts come down (positions are going to be cut at the high school).
Lose job because of budget cuts.
Have to check the box on all future applications that I have been on a plan of improvement.
Never get hired again.

Fight. Get a non-renewal sent to the board (who has never EVER turned over a decision made by admin/district), appeal it (no one has ever won an appeal in this district), and then have a non-renewal on my record.
Never get hired again.

Resign by February 23rd. Finish the year. Get a positive letter of recommendation. The district won't fight unemployment.

Aren't the choices awesome?


Alissa Grosso said...

More than once I've been asked why I never wanted to be a teacher, and I said that the politics of it all scared me away. I hope that somehow our other there's some magical fourth option and everything works out for you.

luvdmb36 said...

I honestly never believed that the politics could touch me. I thought that if I am the best teacher I can be, and I strive for constant improvement, that would be all that mattered.

I wish I would have been more guarded and realistic.

Thank you for your good thoughts. I really appreciate it.

Ron said...

I'm sorry. I wish I could do more. I wish I could tell you that it will all work out. I wish I could tell not to worry about it, that I have a job for you and all you have to do is take it. I wish I could make this all go away, but I can't. I hate that this is happening to you even more than the idea that I can't really help you. You deserve so much better than to be put in such a BS position. You're one of the few who continues to show improvement everyday. You are more important to both the lives of your students and the sustainability of the system than your VP ever will be.
I know you will survive this unfortunate ordeal. I know you will continue to make a difference somehow. You are an amazing person, stronger than almost anyone I know. I hope something works out. I am, and always will be, here for you if you need me.

julacat said...

It is so unfortunate that it's the students who suffer for the politics and games that administration plays.
I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do.
Working in higher education...I have lost my faith completely. It is the same crap.
I love you!!!!