Spring Break

What I had planned:

Grade a large number of essays and catch up with my grading.
Chill, drink, and relax in Vegas.
Lesson plan for both AP and not.

What I've accomplished:
Sick, so Vegas was not relaxing, nor did I get to really drink.
I have read my book club book and have started two more books.
I think I have graded 3 mini-assignments, and NO major essays.
Lessons planned for Monday and Friday and almost Tuesday of next week for not AP.

Maybe, if I would plan to do NOTHING from now on, I would feel more accomplished at the end of it all.

I think I am nearly over the sick, but the procrastination bug just won't LEAVE!!!!!!


Stephanie Faris said...

I think sometimes our body makes us rest...it knows we need it, even if we think we don't.