
~14 minutes of my supervisor in my classrooms (5 minutes in one period + about 8 minutes in another). And then she left an index card with a note...

This is just bizarre.

I want to be the best teacher I can be, but how am I supposed to improve or be what she wants me to, how is this supposed to help?
She has already told me it has nothing to do with my teaching, my lesson planning, my classroom management--but my "tone" and my student interactions are what she has a problem with. This doesn't address anything that she has a problem with!!!!


So, I went to the gym for the first time in probably a year (if not more). Rana convinced me that the kickboxing class would be a good idea.
It was an hour long.
I was sore as soon as I walked out of the door...I am dying right now.
So what did I do? Bought cinnamon toaster strudels, strawberry shortcake cookies (and ate one on the way home), and made hash browns, toast, and eggs for dinner.

So now I am FULL and ungodly sore.

And flustered that I can't play the game better. I know that I need to if I want to survive this, but it is SO not me. ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!