This will not get me.

I am determined.

Other than the two periods immediately following my meeting with my supervisor when she told me her decision to recommend nonrenwal, I haven't missed school.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with her, the superintendent and me. (With my union rep who can't do diddly shit for me, but that is another story in itself).

During my 50 minute prep.

10 minutes after the bell rings after my 4th period.

I have to push my cart down 5 hallways, set up for 6th and 7th period, and then haul ass down to the district office (down the street).

My rep told me today that the meeting will be them talking AT me ("them" being the superintendent and my supervisor), and then we leave.


So, my goal at this point, is to not talk. Because I think that would be bad. Because I can't find the words to express how fucking ridiculous this entire situation is without dropping incessant f bombs.

All the letters of support mean nothing. My superintendent's job (in his contract) is to support the administration.

So my supervisor, who won't be at the school next year (she is retiring, but it is unofficial), and one of TWO superintendents LEAVING THE DISTRICT are ending my career here in this district.

Thank. Goodness. For. WINE.


Virtualsprite said...

Oh, no. I'm so sorry. That has to suck. We've been going through stuff like this in our office. Layoffs, furloughs, those weird days where you aren't sure if you'll have a job tomorrow or not.

Saw your engagement notice in the paper the other day here. Congratulations again!