Told my students...

Well...I told my 7th period the Friday immediately after I was told about my supervisor's recommendation. Then I sat on the information and didn't tell my students.

I thought about things, and I haven't been myself in class, so I told my first period. I know that this all deals with political stuff and grownup stuff that they shouldn't have to deal with, but they are the most important people to me. They are who I strive to be better for.

They had heard things through the rumor-mill that this high school is infamous for, so it was good to tell them what was actually happening versus them hearing a diluted and twisted "telephone" -type game story.

I feel helpless, and they do as well. I didn't mean for that to happen. I just wanted them to know that I tried everything I could.


Told 4th period.
Some of them cried.

I feel horrible about that. I don't want them to suffer because of the grown-up stuff. They are going to be just fine without me. Life goes on and they are stellar, rock-star humans. There is so much ahead for them and they will be amazing.

Maybe I shouldn't have told them. :(


Ron said...

No one is just fine without you.