Guilty Pleasure...

I'll admit it...

I'm a Shear Genius fan.

Yep. The reality show on Bravo TV about hairdressers.
I don't admit this to my colleagues, or my family, only Louie knows that I TiVo it (but I also make him watch it if he's around, so I guess it's his secret as well!).
But, I enjoy the passion these people have for hair and all that is hair--even famous "well-known" hairdressers (I quote that because I have no idea whatsoever as to who these guest judges are, but the hairdressers are in awe whenever one shows up...) and that passion is very fun to watch. Also, there are some quirky people on this show!!

Initially, the new host (Camila Alves) bugged me...her weird accent, her cheesey "Ciao," basically, I thought she was as annoying as all hell. But she grew on me--last episode proved her diva-ness, but I'll let it slide.

Judge 1:
Kim Vo is another I used to really like from the previous two seasons. See picture on far left...

And then he became plastic man.

And now I can't listen to his annoying voice because I am so focused on his plastic-ness and fake-ness. And it makes me sad.
But his flame-y voice is entertaining.

Judge 2:
Jonathan Antin is beyond irritating. If the show was about the judges, I would not not spend five minutes on this show...luckily, viewers only get about 15 minutes of his pompous needling.

He plays favorites, thinks his shit doesn't stink, and one challenge that took place at a record release party, it was VERY evident that he had too much to drink. He was a total asshole.

The Remaining Contestants:
Matthew is smarmy, and it was said best on the most recent episode, his "signature" look is more like "a real estate agent." He also doesn't think his shit stinks, but he has been winner of MANY challenges throughout the competition. He bugs me. Part 1 of the "super-twins." See below for the other half.

I liked Janine at the beginning of the competition. I liked her style, her spark, her awesome tattoos, I loved her talent and passion around hair, and I loved how super-short she is!

But she's MEAN. Since more contestants have been leaving, and the competition has been heating up, she has gotten meaner and meaner towards Brig. This picture is the "fake" Janine, and the last episode with her "signature" picture showed the judges how fake she is. Camila said that Janine had been selling a completely different image of herself for the entirety of the competition--one that she was buying,--but her signature look was so fake that it was super disappointing.

It sucks, because she is SUPER good at what she does, and I was cheering for her and Brig to be in the final two. Now, I just want her to go home. She is Part 2 of the "super-twins."

Jon was a dark horse throughout the competition. He was just sent home, and I was totally bummed. He is an old-school rocker dude, and he has been doing hair for over 20 years, and his rough edges were fun to watch as the competition wore down. He was real and easily flustered when the judges would hound him as he was trying to work during the killer time constraints, and that was fun for me. Everything isn't super easy and flawless, and he made no apologies for his work, rather, he stuck by it and didn't get all petty and snarky like the terrible twosome above. I am sad he went home.

I saved my favorite for last. Brig is TOTALLY weird. I wouldn't let her near my head with a ten-foot pole, but her work is avant-garde, ideal for fashion-forward, progressive, MODERN needs. She has her own weird style and quirkyness--the 2nd or 3rd episode she wore rollerskates to do hair. And she did a good job!!!
Brig is loud and proud, and is the target for Janine's venom.
Yes, I know that we don't get the 100% full picture of what goes on behind the scenes, but seriously, just because she is loud and weird doesn't deserve the rude treatment she gets consistently (by the judges too!!!!!).

I want her to win.

This took way too long to write about. That was not the plan. I guess I am REALLY avoiding grading essays!!!!