Streak-Free My Giant Ass...

I haven't been tanning in over a year, and I wanted to have a little bit of color because my pasty-ness is scary to me--so I am sure that is slightly horrifying at the gym.

So, my plan was to exfoliate. Shave. Re-exfoliate, and then apply after I was dry.
I bought the most expensive option from Target....
Completed the exfoliation regime. Dried. And, of course, the result:

Keep in mind that it is more obvious in reality, and I didn't even take pictures of my arms.
Note to self: NEVER. AGAIN.
No matter how full-proof the product claims to be. I will always be the dolt who can't get it right.

Now I have crossed over the slightly horrifying threshold into totally horrifying.


k_jasmine said...

oh, hon! Better than skin cancer! I swear the beds off each spring, but there I am again...why is being tan so damn important?!

I love you and miss you a ton.