I woke up to a very excited email this morning:

Some background--

Jay Asher--author of 13 Reasons Why--an amazing book about suicide and the ramifications of even the smallest actions--recognized three videos done in relation to his book. The entire junior class this past year listened to the audio version (amazing--done by two different voices--unbelievably amazing)--and I recommended it to many of my AP students to read for their YA final self-selection text. So, one of my students asked me if she could make a video trailer for her final project. She did, and it was beyond amazing.

So, to the email I had this morning:

Ms. ***! Hi this is *******. Do you remember me? =]
How's your summer been?
So do you remember the 13 Reasons Why video I made for your class?
well, I uploaded it on Youtube, and I guess Asher saw it>>>
and guess what: Jay Asher himself put it on his blog on July 11!!! =D
I didn't know until someone commented the video I posted on Youtube....but yea! isn't that cool??!!
and it's all thanks to YOU for letting me make that vid and lending me the audio for it ^_^
THANK YOU MS.****!!!!

Check out her video (it is the third video--the black and white one on the bottom).

I miss teaching. Already. This. Sucks.

But I am SO proud of her!!!


k_jasmine said...

WOW! That was amazing!!!!! How cool!!

Shelbi said...

Soooooooooo COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

julacat said...


Ron said...

she couldn't have done it without you.