Not going to lie...

I LOVE Capote's In Cold Blood.
I wasn't expecting to like it so much, but I do!!!

I made strawberry rice krispie treats for Louie...

Somehow I have to figure out how to effectively e
valuate 6 simultaneous socratic seminars tomorrow. Initially, there were to be 3...but, as it is with being a teacher, there are complications--like a "physics" field trip snowboarding... What.Ever.
Oh, the joys of being a piddly Language Arts teacher.


And, I learned how the grading system I have been using since last year REALLY works.

Yes, I am an educated, intelligent woman. But math + me = giant clusterfuck. I am terrible at math, and have a tough time understanding how all the grading works (in our computer system). No excuse, I know. And now that I "get it," I can be more effective in the computer gradebook, but still...Damn math.
So these are the categories of our assignments (granted, not all the teachers adhere to this system, but we are trying to be more uniform in many aspects of our assessments). Gold = 60% of student's grade; Silver = 25% of student's grade; and Bronze = 15% of student's grade.

In my head, I thought I understood.
But I didn't.
I thought if I had 17 bronze assignments and 1-2 gold assignments, there would be an accurate reflection of a student's efforts. I saw each assignment as one "pie."
What I learned today is that there is ONLY ONE "pie."
So, 17 pieces of that teeny green piece of pie, is DIDDLY CRAP. BAHBAHBAH.

So, now I am more aware. I feel like a tool, and I wish I was more left-brained, but really, grading SHOULDN'T BE SO HARD!!!!!!!! (right?!?!?!?) I have to tell myself this to make me feel better.


Stephanie Faris said...

I've never read In Cold Blood but I saw the movie about the writing of it...was that two years ago or so? It was a really good movie and made me long to read the book.